Tips and Tricks

I imagine that teaching at home has been a challenge for many of you.  You are probably hearing a lot of 'I'm bored' or 'I'm hungry'.  Here are some, I hope, helpful ideas to use during this unusual and difficult time. 
  • Schedule-Try to have a consistent schedule.  Kids like routine and like to know 'what's next'.  Here is a simple example.
  • Assignments-The kinder team and I have been planning activities that are meaningful and for continuous learning.  We will be asking for pictures of the students with completed assignments. This lets me know that they are continuing to learn.  We are held accountable and have to show 'proof' students are learning in these different circumstances. This does not mean they are expected to sit for six hours at a time doing everything in the listed units.  Allow them to have fun outside, build something, write a story, etc. 
  • Limited Supplies-We understand that supplies are limited for you all.  You do not have to print every activity for them to complete. An option could be to improvise with an activity without having to print it-write and draw responses on own paper of choice. 
  • Snacking-Kids love to have snacks.  I can only imagine how many times a day you hear 'I'm hungry'. An idea I saw was to keep a snack basket for the day. Fill it at the beginning of the day with an adequate amount and when it's done, they are done snacking for that day.  I would also have consistent snack times every day to help eliminate any additional problems. 
  • Emotions-We are all having mixed emotions about the uncertainty in our lives today. Children perceive things differently than adults.  They are confused and just want to be at school. Keep things simple and reassure them we will see each other again soon.  I will be setting up times they can see other on video soon. 
  • Videos/pictures-Please send me videos and pictures of your children.  I would love to see them.