Lori Drake » Links


Exact Path Individualized learning paths designed to provide additional instruction, practice, and assessments of skills for each student at their personal ability level.
Username: last name first initial.fhasd (John Doe= doej.fhasd)
Password: first initial last initial birth month birthdate (example John Doe July 01= jd0701)
Go Math!Second grade math curriculum
Username: last name first initial.fhasd (John Doe= doej.fhasd)
Password: first initial last initial birth month birthdate (example John Doe July 01= jd0701)
Pearson Realize Second grade ELA curriculum and materials.
Username: last name first fhasd@fhsd-az (John Doe= fhasd@fhsd-az
Password: first initial last initial birth month birth date (example John Doe July 01= jd0701)
Reflex Math Online math fluency practice
Username: drakelo
Password: first initial last initial birth month birthdate (example John Doe July 01= jd0701)
Username: [email protected]
Password: student2020
Second grade ELA curriculum and materials.
Username: last name first fhasd@fhsd-az (John Doe= fhasd@fhsd-az
Password: first initial last initial birth month birth date (example John Doe July 01= jd0701)
Raz-Kids  Online literacy activities
Username_ ldrake24
Password- personal student icon
 Login at the top right corner, select "I Am a Student", enter class password: corncub454